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How to Change the Color of MSI Keyboa

How to Change the Color of MSI Keyboa

MSI, as one of the world's leading manufacturers of gaming laptops and other audio/video products, is no stranger to the gaming hardware market. The MSI keyboards have always been up to par, allowing the customer to choose from a variety of stunning colors to match their overall gaming setup. However, not everyone knows the steps necessary to change the color of their MSI keyboard. Fortunately, this guide will provide a detailed overview of how to change the color of an MSI keyboard with .

To start, the first thing you'll need to do is to locate the lighting control app on your computer. The lighting control app is an essential program for any MSI keyboard, giving the user the ability to control the colors and style of their keyboard. Once you have located the lighting control app, open it and you'll find a wide range of lighting customization options. Typically, you'll want to select the “Advanced Options” at the bottom of the page to get access to the full range of customization options.

Once you’re in the Advanced Options menu, you’ll have the ability to control the color of each individual key on your MSI keyboard. After selecting the color you want for each of your keys, you can then move onto creating the s of your keyboard. As you know, s are customizable text that go at the top and bottom of your MSI keyboard, and enable you to show off your style. To begin creating s, select the “” tab at the top of the page.

Once you’re in the  setting, enter in the text you want to have at the top or bottom of your keyboard depending on the style you’re going for. After entering in the text, you can then decide on the size, font, and color of the text. Once you’re happy with the  and color of your keyboard, simply click “apply” at the bottom of the page and it will be set in stone.

If you ever find yourself wanting to come back and change the  or individual colors of your MSI keyboard keys, you can easily do so by going back to the Advanced Options tab. Once there, you can almost instantly apply any changes you wanted to make.

Hopefully, this guide has provided an easy-to-follow guide of how to change the color and  of an MSI keyboard. By following these steps, you will be able to customize your keyboard to perfectly fit your setup and gaming style.




